Compost Baladi
The Challenge
In 2015, Lebanon endured the consequences of decades of waste mismanagement. Local municipalities and retailers, such as Antoura and Carrefour, have a direct need for proper waste management, as they each generate around 3,000 tons of biowaste per day. In absence of financial capacity, technical know-how and commitment from the central government, they’re bound to be exposed to and partly responsible for, the inevitable waste crises.
Our Solution
CB locally developed the “Earth Cube.” A user-friendly bio waste disposal enclosed system made of reused intermediate bulk containers.
The Container Composter is a decentralized bio waste solution holding a temporary structure, which is a standardized and modular system for different municipal settings.
Our Vision
We picture a world where biowaste is recycled to sustain our natural resources, empowering communities to act and preserving our environment. We provide biowaste solutions by using appropriate and innovative technologies.
Our Impact
4,500+ metric tons (MT) of solid biowaste diverted from landfills/dumpsites |
84,000 plastic trash bags not used |
30+ MT of methane gas emission avoided (= 1,260+ MT of CO2 emission avoided) |
600+ MT of compost produced |
100,000+ citizens incentivized on sorting at source and composting |
450+ refugees, farmers, women, municipalities, etc. empowered on waste management and related topics |
Connect with us

Marc Aoun
Compost Baladi is a Lebanese social enterprise that enables the recovery of organic waste and its valorization via composting. We achieve this through the sale of compost by establishing partnerships with local community members and expand the impact of our reach through technology, trade, and knowledge transfer. Contact email address: