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The Challenge

Availability non recyclable paper waste (coffee cups and tetrapaks) from landfills in Lebanon that cannot be recycled

Our Solution

innovative non-load bearing masonry blocks

Our Vision

Aims with each product line to reduce non-recyclable paper waste from landfills and prevent their harmful gases if incinerated

Our Products and Services

Blocks made up of 40% onon-recyclable paper waste which comprises of tetrapaks and coffee cups and cement

Our Impact

Pulp is an impact driven startup, that aims with each product line to reduce non-recyclable paper waste from landfills and prevent their harmful gases if incinerated. Each block has 40% less cement, which is a main environmental impact through reducing the carbon emissions caused by cement in the industry sector as well as reducing the need for new raw materials from quarries. We aim through our partition building blocks to divert 8.7 tons of tetra Pak and coffee cups in the first year of operations, relative to building interior walls of 8 medium size apartments per month.


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PulP is a low impact building material that primarily uses non-recyclable paper waste. Pulp has two lines of production, the first uses up to 90% of non-recyclable paper waste to produce interior finishes, sound proofing, thermal insulation panels and furniture design. The second product is building blocks made from 60% non-recyclable paper waste and 40%…