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Information about the business
Name of Business
Green Theme
choose the theme that best fit for your business
Sustainable/ Eco/ Organic Products
Organic or Regenerative Agriculture
SustainaRecycling or Upcycling Waste
Sustainable Water Treatment and /or Sanitation Water
Usage Reduction
Renewable Energy or Energy-efficiency
Sustainable/Green Buildings
Sustainable Education
Eco-friendly Service/Consulting
Circular Economy
Green General
Video about the business
Please, fill in a link to your video. If it is on Instagram or Facebook, please provide the link to the post here.
Business Motto
Business Logo
It has to be in PNG format and high resolution. At least 500px X 500px
Accepted file types: png.
The challenge
This section is for describing the challenge the business is trying to solve.
The solution
This section is for describing the solution/s the business offer
Business vision
Describe the vision of the business
Business products and services
Describe your offerings. You can upload pictures in the following section
Products and services pictures
You can upload some pictures for the solution you offer. Please do not upload more than one picture for each solution. All pictures should be in png format and with a resolution not less than 800px x 600px
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: png.
Business Impact
Describe the impact your business has created thus far.
Photos to be added to the gallery
You can upload some pictures that represents your business. All pictures should be in png format and with a resolution not less than 800px x 600px
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: png.
Business Website
it has to start with https:// If you do not have a website use:
Business Email
Facebook page
it has to start with https:// If you do not have a website use:
Instagram Page
it has to start with https:// If you do not have a website use:
it has to start with https:// If you do not have a website use:
Information about the founders
Founder 1 Name:
Founder 1 Bio:
Founder 1 photo:
You can upload a pictures of the first founder. It should be a head shot. The pictures should be in png format and with a resolution not less than 600px x 600px
Accepted file types: png.
Founder 2 Name:
Founder 2 Bio:
Founder 2 photo:
You can upload a pictures of the founder. It should be a head shot. The pictures should be in png format and with a resolution not less than 600px x 600px
Accepted file types: png.
Founder 3 Name:
If you have more than 3 founders please write them within the third founder box or contact us directly at
Founder 3 Bio:
Founder 3 photo:
You can upload a pictures of the first founder. It should be a head shot. The pictures should be in png format and with a resolution not less than 600px x 600px
Accepted file types: png.
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