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3rd EcoSwitch Festival

The third festival for Lebanese green enterprises!

Physical event, gathering, & concert

May 16th

10:00am – 5:30pm at BDD 1280

Concert at 5:30pm at BDD 1075 Rooftop (5th floor)

Side events

May 17th

Fondation Diane: Blue Economy Forum

02:30pm – 05:30pm at Raymondo

We are very pleased to announce the third EcoSwitch Festival for Lebanese green enterprises organized by the EcoSwitch Coalition, a network of over 30 organisations, institutions, and corporations that support eco-entrepreneurs in Lebanon!

Why this Festival?
The EcoSwitch Coalition has been formed in 2020 to strengthen the support to Green Entrepreneurs in the country, with the aim of collectively empowering eco-entrepreneurs to develop innovative ideas, establish themselves, and thrive in the long-term.

The idea of this Festival is to introduce sustainable entrepreneurs in Lebanon to the EcoSwitch Coalition; highlight how we are supporting them or could support them; link them to Partners and Experts; inspire them; transfer knowledge useful for enterprises –in particular during these times of high uncertainty—; provide a space for networking with like-minded eco-oriented entrepreneurs… and have a bit of fun too along the way!

  • Agenda

    May 16th

    Let’s all gather at BDD 🙂

    10:00am-05:30pm at BDD 1280

    Concert at 05:30pm at BDD 1075 Rooftop (5th floor)

    Meet & Greet, Learn & Network with like-minded green entrepreneurs from all over Lebanon!

    10:00am: Registrations

    10:30am: Welcome Notes from the EcoSwitch Coalition Partners and Fondation Diane.

    Diana Fadel

    Founder & President of “Fondation Diane

    EcoSwitch Coalition Partners

    10:40am: Key Note Speech from the Minister of Environment, H.E. Dr. Nasser Yassin

    Nasser Yassin

    Minister of Environment

    10:50am: Key Note Speech from the EU Delegation to Lebanon

    Stefano Panighetti

    Energy and Local Development Programme Officer at EU Delegation to Lebanon

    10:55am: Unlocking Sustainable Success: SwitchMed and EcoSwitch Coalition Transformations in Lebanon

    Giorgio Mosangini

    Team Leader of Green Entrepreneurship & Civil Society at MedWaves

    11:05am: What has been achieved by the EcoSwitch Coalition?

    11:20am: Discover the Switchers Platform for Green Entrepreneurs

    11:30am: Fireside Chat: Towards Circularity through Collaboration


    Ingrid Salloum

    Program Manager at Berytech SAL’s Innovation Hub Unit

    Green Entrepreneur

    Adib Abboud

    Founder and CEO of GITech s.a.l.

    11:45am: Fill in the EcoSwitch Survey!

    11:55am: Coffee Break

    12:10pm: World Café with Partners

    Speed Dating with the Coalition’s Partners! Learn about our activities & ask any questions you may have.

    Choose ahead of time the Partners you’d like to meet, click on this link

    01:00pm: Inspiring Interventions from two successful Green Entrepreneurs

    Learn about their journey, success stories, struggles, and more!

    • Meet our inspiring Eco-Entrepreneurs!

      Anwar Sleiman Zeineddine

      Co-Founder & CEO of Dekenet Al Nes

      Layal Mostafa

      Co-Founder & CEO of Dekenet Al Nes

      Michele Braidy

      Founder of Michele Braidy Architect/Designer

    01:30pm: Lunch & Networking

    02:15pm: Explore a Topic you are interested in!

    Panel 1:

    • Overcoming challenges in the circular economy, what strategies have worked for successful entrepreneurs and what more is needed?


      Maya Karkour

      Founder of Circular Hub


      Nathalie Khoury

      Advisor to the Minister of Industry


      GP Skaff



      Andre Mahfouz

      Lebanon Development and Analytics at Nadeera Technologies


      Samer Corban

      CEO & co-founder of Ajjerni

      SME Manager

      Christiane Issa

      Administrative Manager at Domaines Des Tourelles

      After finishing her masters degree in luxury products marketing in USJ, Christiane joined Domaine des Tourelles in 2000 to focus on creating a niche identity to Tourelles’ range of products and together with the administrative and operational team has been including sustainability in the wine making and sales process since 2010.

      A passionate for social inclusion, Christiane Founded a charity under the name of Maison de la Vierge in 2012 with 22 women volunteers and in 2022 created “Darzit Kheir” initiative to maintain financial sustainability at Maison de la Vierge, and support in the same time local women knitters working from their homes; the initiative upcycles donated fabric leftovers, recycled Paper & threads into fashionable bags and accessories.

      She is an active member of Zahle hometown association, member of the federation of associations of Zahle and “Al tajadoud lil watan”

    Panel 2:

    • What happens to our eWaste?


      Talar Kokjian

      Communication and Project Officer at cewas


      Gaby Kassab

      Founder of ECOSERV


      Basma El Arab

      Project Officer Solid Waste Management atUNDP


      Elie Romanos

      Energy Specialist in the Environment Program at arcenciel


      Saad Maakaron

      Co-Founder of Green Essence

    03:05pm: BINGO Time!

    03:30pm: Take a Break, Have a Taqa

    03:45pm: Pick & Choose 🙂

    Panel 1:

    • Let’s Talk about Failure!


      Lynda Achkouty Mouawad

      University Instructor at Antonine University


      Ali Dalloul

      Life Mentor and Coach


      Hasan Youness

      Consultant, Blogger, and Author Website


      Jad El Jamous

      Growth Consultant at ORIGIN

      Co-founder of Livada


      Julien Farjallah

      Founder of LOOP


      Patrick Challita


    Panel 2:

    • Tips & Tricks for a Healthy Entrepreneurship Journey


      Romy Massaad

      Programs Officer at ACIE – USEK


      Alessandro Miraglia

      Team Leader, Networking & Communication at MedWaves


      Maria Saab

      Founder and CEO of House of Greatness

      Green Entrepreneur

      Margot Wehbe

      Founder of UWYTA

    16:35pm: Recap of Today’s Sessions

    16:55pm: Free Networking time!

    If you have your own eco-products, this is the time to show them to your peers, get feedback about them, and gain visibility.

    17:30pm: Concert with CuBan’D band on BDD 1075 Rooftop 🙂

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